Friday, November 10, 2006


I love the Doctrines of Grace. By Doctrines of Grace I am referring to the system of thought that is often known by the nickname Calvinism. They are as follows:

Total Depravity or total inability

Unconditional Election

Limited Atonement or Particular Redemption

Irresistible Call or Effectual call

Perseverance in Grace

Many people are terrified of these truths, I believe, simply because they dethrone man and his 'free will', and enthrone God and His sovereignty. But hey! That's the very reason I love them.

Left to myself, I would never have sought Him. Left to my free will, I would have sought only my own pleasure. But ,thanks be unto God, I was not left to myself. He, who set His love on me before the foundation of the world(Eph.1:4), not only paid for my sins in Christ; He orchestrated all the circumstances of my life to lead me to a saving surrender to His amazing grace (Rom.8:28-30).

The effect this truth has on me is to cause me to fall before Him, to take my place in the dust as a helpless, repentant sinner, and to acknowledge His right to sit upon the throne of His glory.

I love the Doctrines of Grace because they teach me to worship. This is the essence of true worship: To see Him as He is and myself as I am. When that happens I cannot help but worship.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree that the doctrines of grace will invoke true worship.

I recommend any teaching that honors God more than man.

It is good to hear that you preach the wonderful doctrines of grace.

Garry Weaver said...

Bro. Doug,
It's good to hear from you. I guess you ain't dead after all.

Anonymous said...

You've caught me being wishy-washy on Chevys, but we're on the same page here, brother!
