Wednesday, May 09, 2007


May 10th is my blog's birthday. I was hoping to have made more of an impact on the world thru blogging by the time I had been at it a year, but alas and alack! Nothing earth-shattering has come from this blog...yet. Just wait. One of these days I'll write something that even I will be pleased with. It could happen in year #2. Therefore, you should read this blog every day lest you miss the life-changing event.


Even So... said...

Oooohhh, I can't wait....

Steve Weaver said...

Happy Birthday!

Kim said...

You've made me laugh and smile, and that's pretty good, even if it isn't earth-shattering for anyone else.

You inlcuded me on your blog list, among some very good blogs, and that has made me feel encouraged, and that's pretty good, too.

I'd say that's pretty good for a year.

David said...

I'll be waiting with bated breath.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to read your blog. I have already found it to be of great interest. Do not think that you are not influencing or making a difference in the lives of others.

happy birthday blog

Craver Vii said...

Happy blog birthday!! (I hope I have my lactose tablets so I could have milk and chocolate cake in your honor.)

Live, Love, Laugh said...

how exciting, a life changing event is in the works!!

Garry Weaver said...

Thanks, friends. Your readership, comments, and encouragement have enriched my life.

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday!

Don't give up. I've found that sometimes earth-shattering (greatness) isn't always defined the way that we think it should be.

You may not have the numbers but that doesn't make your blog less great.

Anonymous said...

Your wisdom is an enrichment to the entire blogosphere, and I'm pretty sincere when I say that.

Happy birthday and I look forward to many more great posts from your way. Next time you are up this way, let me know. Lunch will be on me this time. (I mean I'll pay for it, not that it will actually be ON me.)

Neil said...

You goofball. Happy blogiversary. This is a good place, and I hope it has many more.

Jonathan Moorhead said...

Happy Birthday! Of course you know that after a year you are now chained to your blog. There's no going back now.
BTW, it was a pleasure to meet your sons last weekend. They are both godly men and I know you are very proud of them. Warm regards,