A hardy congratulations to Jan Weaver who is celebrating the 36th anniversary of her wedded bliss (To me).
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The main problem with our political leaders is, that we must choose them from among ourselves.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Do you remember this story? I first heard this adaptation of it in a message that Dr. Adrian Rogers preached many years ago. It has never been more relevant!
Once upon a time, on a small U.S. farm , there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered quite a few grains of wheat.
She called all of her neighbors together and said, "If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?"
"Not I," said the cow."Not I," said the duck."Not I," said the pig."Not I," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen.
And so she did; The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.
"Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the duck."Out of my classification," said the pig."I'd lose my seniority," said the cow."I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did.
At last it came time to bake the bread. "Who will help me bake the bread?" asked the little red hen.
"That would be overtime for me," said the cow."I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck."I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig."If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see.
They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, "No, I shall eat all five loaves."
"Excess profits!" cried the cow."Capitalist leech!" screamed the duck."I demand equal rights!" yelled the goose.The pig just grunted in disdain.
And they all painted "Unfair!" picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
Then a government agent came, and said to the little red hen, "You must not be so greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
"Exactly," said the agent. "That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle."
And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, for now I truly understand."
The liberals smiled for ‘Fairness’ had been established, but her neighbors were very disappointed in her, and wondered why she never baked bread again.
Once upon a time, on a small U.S. farm , there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered quite a few grains of wheat.
She called all of her neighbors together and said, "If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?"
"Not I," said the cow."Not I," said the duck."Not I," said the pig."Not I," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen.
And so she did; The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.
"Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the duck."Out of my classification," said the pig."I'd lose my seniority," said the cow."I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did.
At last it came time to bake the bread. "Who will help me bake the bread?" asked the little red hen.
"That would be overtime for me," said the cow."I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck."I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig."If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see.
They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, "No, I shall eat all five loaves."
"Excess profits!" cried the cow."Capitalist leech!" screamed the duck."I demand equal rights!" yelled the goose.The pig just grunted in disdain.
And they all painted "Unfair!" picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
Then a government agent came, and said to the little red hen, "You must not be so greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
"Exactly," said the agent. "That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle."
And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, for now I truly understand."
The liberals smiled for ‘Fairness’ had been established, but her neighbors were very disappointed in her, and wondered why she never baked bread again.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Have you ever noticed that if you are known to embrace the doctrines of grace, that you get no credit for evangelism from those who do not accept your views? It's true! No matter how much you preach about our responsibility to "...preach the gospel to every creature..." No matter how faithfully you personally "... do the work of an evangelist..." No matter how many years you spend on the foreign mission field... People who embrace a more arminian soteriology (Even those who never bring a single person to Church), will look you straight in the face and tell you that the doctrines you believe will hurt evangelism. I'm not Rodney Dangerfield, but I get no respect, I'm tellin' ya! No respect!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
In an attempt to keep you informed,( as well as a shameless attempt to grab some sympathy) I am writing this. For several months, now, I have not felt very well. Around the end of April, I had a slight episode with my heart that seemed to be not too serious. However, it seemed that I just couldn't recover from it. I was just forcing myself to do the things I had to do and then I would go straight back to bed(Maybe that's why I ain't been blogging much lately?). So, anyhoo, I went to a different cardiologist who quickly scheduled me for a heart catheterization. This past Wednesday, I went to Florida Hospital, in Orlando for the procedure. Turns out that one of my main coronary arteries was 80% blocked with bacon, pork chops, country ham, and not a small amount of fried shrimp. The good doctor opened up the artery and put in a shiny new stainless steel stent to help keep it open. According to him (the doctor), I will now feel like a new man. I'm excited about that prospect! Only, it hasn't kicked in just yet. I'll try to let you know when it does.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Lord willing, this coming Sunday, Oct. 5th, I will be preaching at the First Baptist Church of Lake Garfield, Florida. The Church is located just outside Bartow on Eighty Foot Road. Yep. That's right. Eighty Foot Rd. (Seems longer than that to me, 'cause the Church is about a mile down the road. How many foots is in a mile? More'n 80, right?)
I'm excited about the opportunity to fellowship with pastor Garnett Pitts and the folks at FBCLG. If any of you who read this blog are in the area and have the time, come by and say hi.
Services are at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. See you there!
I'm excited about the opportunity to fellowship with pastor Garnett Pitts and the folks at FBCLG. If any of you who read this blog are in the area and have the time, come by and say hi.
Services are at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. See you there!
Monday, September 01, 2008

In case you're interested, beginning this thursday, September 4th and continuing through Sunday September 7th, I will be preaching at the Liberty Baptist Church in Payneway Arkansas. I'm excited about being in meetings with Bro. Jimmy Strickland and his people. Payneway is about an hour from Memphis, so, if either of my faithful readers happen to be in the Memphis, Tn. area, come fellowship with us.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Steve posted a link on his blog to the sermon Dr. Mohler preached yesterday in the opening chapel service of the new academic year at Southern Seminary. Everyone should listen to this sermon, but especially those of us who are either in the ministry or are aspiring to the ministry. Ocassionally I hear a sermon that so convicts me and forces me to re-evaluate my service for Christ, that continuing in the status quo of my life becomes impossible. This is truely one of those sermons. Listen to it and then let me know if you agree.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
In his commentary on Psalm 64, James Montgomery Boice said: "It is not very often that David finishes a psalm without mentioning his enemies." It doesn't take a very in-depth study of the psalms that David authored, to see the truth of that statement. David's enemies seem to have been a very persistent part of his every day life. It appears that his entire life was a series of conflicts with those who, through ceaseless verbal, political, and physical attacks, sought to either destroy or depose him.
Of course, we would expect a man in his position to acquire a few enemies along the way. He doubtless produced a few enemies through the wars he fought against rival nations who were the perpetual enemies of Israel. He had political enemies as every leader has, and he also garnered some hard feelings through his own personal failings.
All of these types of enemies we can easily understand. However, David had other enemies too. People who should not have been his enemies at all. They had no reason to hate or oppose him at all, but they did. Many who should have respected and admired him, despised him. I say they should have admired him because there was much about him to admire, regardless of his short-comings.
For the most part, he had been a careful man. He was called "a man after God's own heart", and most of his life, he lived in conscious awareness of God's presence. He was a brave man. He courageously, and selflessly, as mere youth, went against a lion and a bear to protect his father's sheep. Again as a teen, he fought and defeated the giant, Goliath, who had caused the whole Israeli army to cower. He did it single-handedly believing that the battle was the Lord's. When Saul became jealous of him and sought his life unjustly, David would not avenge himself nor take advantage of multiple opportunities to harm, capture, or kill him. He preferred to let God take care of Saul in His own time and in His own way. As king, rather than seeking the destruction of Saul's family, he sought to show them mercy. Also as king, he brought the Ark of God to Jerusalem and openly worshiped God.
These things should have sparked nothing but respect from all those who witnessed them. However, not everyone was impressed with David's spirituality. Some actually hated him even more because of it (Some of them from his own family 2Sam.6:14-23). How can that be? Here is where we can learn something about many of David's enemies as well as our own. They had no reason to hate him except for this fact: In their own hearts, they were at war with the God that David so passionately worshiped. Their problem was not with David at all. Their real problem was with David's God. So, they attacked David with all the pent-up resentment with which they would attack God, if they could just get at Him.
That's how it was then and that is how it is even now with modern-day saints. There are people who are in rebellion against God(Often they are of our own families Matt.10:34-36). They don't like His authority, His demands, or His ways. They would attack Him personally if they could, but they can't. So... they attack those who love and serve Him, and the closer to God you live, and the more fervently you serve Him, the more stubborn will be the opposition.
Jesus articulated this principle in Jn.15:18-25, then He lived it out before the very eyes of His followers just a few hours later. Neither Rome nor the Jews had any reason to hate Him, but by their unreasoning determination to brutalize, torture, and crucify Him, they put on display, for all the world to see, their deep, cruel, and abiding hatred for God. Someone has described what happened at Calvary by transposing the words in the title of Jonathan Edwards' famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" like this: God in the hands of angry sinners. That makes my point perfectly.
Christ on the cross was, on one hand, God's goodness, God's mercy, God's love in it's most magnificent display. On the other hand, it was man's depraved rebellion against God in it's fullest revelation. This explains, at least to my satisfaction, why even the sweetest of Christians have enemies. Our enemies are real, their attacks and abuses are painful, but we must remember that their issue is with God. Therefore our response should be to:
1: Love them
2: Do good to them
3: Pray for them (Matt.5:43-48)
If anything else is required, leave that up to God. After all, the battle is the Lord's.
Of course, we would expect a man in his position to acquire a few enemies along the way. He doubtless produced a few enemies through the wars he fought against rival nations who were the perpetual enemies of Israel. He had political enemies as every leader has, and he also garnered some hard feelings through his own personal failings.
All of these types of enemies we can easily understand. However, David had other enemies too. People who should not have been his enemies at all. They had no reason to hate or oppose him at all, but they did. Many who should have respected and admired him, despised him. I say they should have admired him because there was much about him to admire, regardless of his short-comings.
For the most part, he had been a careful man. He was called "a man after God's own heart", and most of his life, he lived in conscious awareness of God's presence. He was a brave man. He courageously, and selflessly, as mere youth, went against a lion and a bear to protect his father's sheep. Again as a teen, he fought and defeated the giant, Goliath, who had caused the whole Israeli army to cower. He did it single-handedly believing that the battle was the Lord's. When Saul became jealous of him and sought his life unjustly, David would not avenge himself nor take advantage of multiple opportunities to harm, capture, or kill him. He preferred to let God take care of Saul in His own time and in His own way. As king, rather than seeking the destruction of Saul's family, he sought to show them mercy. Also as king, he brought the Ark of God to Jerusalem and openly worshiped God.
These things should have sparked nothing but respect from all those who witnessed them. However, not everyone was impressed with David's spirituality. Some actually hated him even more because of it (Some of them from his own family 2Sam.6:14-23). How can that be? Here is where we can learn something about many of David's enemies as well as our own. They had no reason to hate him except for this fact: In their own hearts, they were at war with the God that David so passionately worshiped. Their problem was not with David at all. Their real problem was with David's God. So, they attacked David with all the pent-up resentment with which they would attack God, if they could just get at Him.
That's how it was then and that is how it is even now with modern-day saints. There are people who are in rebellion against God(Often they are of our own families Matt.10:34-36). They don't like His authority, His demands, or His ways. They would attack Him personally if they could, but they can't. So... they attack those who love and serve Him, and the closer to God you live, and the more fervently you serve Him, the more stubborn will be the opposition.
Jesus articulated this principle in Jn.15:18-25, then He lived it out before the very eyes of His followers just a few hours later. Neither Rome nor the Jews had any reason to hate Him, but by their unreasoning determination to brutalize, torture, and crucify Him, they put on display, for all the world to see, their deep, cruel, and abiding hatred for God. Someone has described what happened at Calvary by transposing the words in the title of Jonathan Edwards' famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" like this: God in the hands of angry sinners. That makes my point perfectly.
Christ on the cross was, on one hand, God's goodness, God's mercy, God's love in it's most magnificent display. On the other hand, it was man's depraved rebellion against God in it's fullest revelation. This explains, at least to my satisfaction, why even the sweetest of Christians have enemies. Our enemies are real, their attacks and abuses are painful, but we must remember that their issue is with God. Therefore our response should be to:
1: Love them
2: Do good to them
3: Pray for them (Matt.5:43-48)
If anything else is required, leave that up to God. After all, the battle is the Lord's.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Jeremy's coming to stay a few days! Whoopie! Can't wait! He is to arrive at 9:10 pm tonight. Oh, mister plane driver, please be keeeerful!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
In no area of human nature is our innate depravity and complete fallen-ness more apparent than in our inability to tell the truth. The legal oath to tell "The whole truth and nothing but the truth..." is a worthy goal, not only in court, but for the Christian, it is absolutely necessary in everyday life.
The problem, with me at least, is that it is not as easy as it sounds. Here's how it seems to work with me: When I hear something or when I witness some event; as the words, sounds and images enter into my mind through ears and eyes, I file them away, not necessarily as they were actually seen and heard, but I tend to color them with my own prejudices and preferences. Before they ever get into my memory banks, they are already tainted by my inherent fallen-ness. I have spun them before I even filed them.
Some people are willing to distort what they know to be the truth in the retelling. True Christians are not willing do that. However, for me (All of us?), the problem really is much deeper than that. Even if I am careful to try to tell things exactly as I heard or saw them, I am actually only telling what was put into my memory, not what really happened. I suppose this is why eye-witness testimonies often are very different, even when the witnesses saw or heard exactly the same thing.
Even at my very best, I am desperately in need of a merciful Savior. I am not sure if this "enemy" can be completely defeated in this life or not. However, I have identified him. Now I must guard against him.
The problem, with me at least, is that it is not as easy as it sounds. Here's how it seems to work with me: When I hear something or when I witness some event; as the words, sounds and images enter into my mind through ears and eyes, I file them away, not necessarily as they were actually seen and heard, but I tend to color them with my own prejudices and preferences. Before they ever get into my memory banks, they are already tainted by my inherent fallen-ness. I have spun them before I even filed them.
Some people are willing to distort what they know to be the truth in the retelling. True Christians are not willing do that. However, for me (All of us?), the problem really is much deeper than that. Even if I am careful to try to tell things exactly as I heard or saw them, I am actually only telling what was put into my memory, not what really happened. I suppose this is why eye-witness testimonies often are very different, even when the witnesses saw or heard exactly the same thing.
Even at my very best, I am desperately in need of a merciful Savior. I am not sure if this "enemy" can be completely defeated in this life or not. However, I have identified him. Now I must guard against him.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Ain't dead. Ain't quit bloggin'. 'puter ain't broke. Had a physical. EKG not good. Sent me to a cardiologist. EKG not that bad. Stress test ordered. O.K. B.P. not O.K. New pills. Sleep constantly. Dr. says it's not the pillzzzzzzz....
Monday, April 07, 2008
It's 5:30 a.m. and I'm packing for a two week romp. This morning I have a sheriff's department chaplain's meeting at 10:00, then I'm off to Tennessee for a week of fun and frolic with the boys and their families. Then we are off to Louisville, Ky for another week of fun, frolic and fellership at the Together for the Gospel conference. I hope to get to meet, in person, some of my favorite bloggers. In case you don't recognize me, I'll be the old guy humbly creeping along in Steve and Jeremy's shadow.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Just kidding...I actually did very little. Maybe that's why it turned out so nice.
The following photos are the "before" pictures.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
It's Bible Conference time again! Beginning Sunday, March 2nd, our annual Bible conference will begin here at the newly renovated Way of Life Baptist Church. Sunday services begin at 10:30 am with pastor, educator, author, perpetual student, father of most of my nine grandchildren, and all around good son, Steve Weaver.
(Others will be speaking in the other services through Wednesday night.)
If you find yourself within driving distance of Titusville, Fl., come on by.
Schedule of services:
Sunday AM: 10:30 with lunch afterward.
Sunday PM: 6:00 with 2 speakers
Monday through Wednesday: 7:00PM with 2 speakers each evening.
(Others will be speaking in the other services through Wednesday night.)
If you find yourself within driving distance of Titusville, Fl., come on by.
Schedule of services:
Sunday AM: 10:30 with lunch afterward.
Sunday PM: 6:00 with 2 speakers
Monday through Wednesday: 7:00PM with 2 speakers each evening.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Currently, I am crossing several milestones in my swiftly passing earthly journey:
December 30th 2007, my wife Jan and I celebrated 35 years of wedded bliss.
February 3rd, I completed 10 years of semi-faithful ministry at Way of Life Baptist Church.
Right now, we are totally renovating the auditorium of the Church. We are desperately trying to get it completed in time for the Bible conference that begins this coming Sunday, March 2nd. (Watch for before-and-after pictures soon.) (I consider this a milestone, because the auditorium has had little done to it in decades.)
This coming Tuesday, Feb. 26th, is my 54th happy birthday. (Reminder: Counting today, there are only 2 more shopping days left.)
Also, this year I am in my 30th year of Gospel ministry. (Funny...I thought I would have been farther along, spiritually, by now...)
A Prayer: Father, keep me always mindful of how short my time is, so that I might live wisely, redeeming the time. Keep me hungry for your fellowship and your approval. Keep me focused on the prize of your presence and the awareness that I must soon give account of my stewardship.In Jesus' name, Amen.
December 30th 2007, my wife Jan and I celebrated 35 years of wedded bliss.
February 3rd, I completed 10 years of semi-faithful ministry at Way of Life Baptist Church.
Right now, we are totally renovating the auditorium of the Church. We are desperately trying to get it completed in time for the Bible conference that begins this coming Sunday, March 2nd. (Watch for before-and-after pictures soon.) (I consider this a milestone, because the auditorium has had little done to it in decades.)
This coming Tuesday, Feb. 26th, is my 54th happy birthday. (Reminder: Counting today, there are only 2 more shopping days left.)
Also, this year I am in my 30th year of Gospel ministry. (Funny...I thought I would have been farther along, spiritually, by now...)
A Prayer: Father, keep me always mindful of how short my time is, so that I might live wisely, redeeming the time. Keep me hungry for your fellowship and your approval. Keep me focused on the prize of your presence and the awareness that I must soon give account of my stewardship.In Jesus' name, Amen.
Friday, February 08, 2008
From several different sources, lately, I have been told of ministers(?) who are so anointed of the Spirit(?) that they have actually raised people from the dead. On one occasion, I saw a drama on a religious T.V. channel. The hero was the spirit-filled sheriff of a wild-west town. On more than one occasion, during the show, the bad guys killed someone that jist ort not to have been kilt. The sheriff would come and lay hands on the dead person, rebuking both death and the devil, and in the name of Jesus, raise that person from the dead.
Two other occasions where this claim was made was in conversation with acquaintances who are deeply involved in charismatic churches. One is more than an acquaintance; I consider him a friend. Neither of these people actually saw it happen, but were totally convinced that ministers that they had heard of, were literally raising people from the dead.
I want to be careful in how I approach this subject because I have no doubt whatsoever, that God is able to raise the dead. However, I want to be perfectly clear in stating that I do not believe that these people are actually raising the dead. In light of my skepticism, I think the best way to proceed would be to ask some questions of those who claim life-giving power.
Perhaps the most important question that needs to be considered is this: Do you consider death to be a tragedy for the saved? It seems to me as if the emphasis placed on physical health in many religious groups has blinded them to the possibility that God could actually get glory for Himself and at the same time, grant blessing to His people through their suffering. To people thus blinded, surely death must seem as though Satan has won a victory every time a Christian dies. My contention is, that what Paul said of himself in Philippians 1:21 "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." could and should be said of all saints. If "...to die is gain..." how could we treat the passing of a child of God as anything other than gain? There is much more that could be said on this point, but I want to hurry on to some other questions.
Other questions I would ask those who claim the power over death are these: Of all the dead, which ones are candidates for being raised? Do you have the power to raise people whose bodies have already been embalmed? Are there verifiable cases in which the putrefaction process has been reversed? Or what is the longest period of time that one was certifiably dead before he/she was raised? I suspect in most cases, that if the whole story were told, it would not appear quite as miraculous as they would have us believe.
One last question: Don't you believe that it is better to be with Jesus than apart from Him?
As for me, if my Lord should call me home, even now at the tender age of 53 years old, please don't call the paramedics! I don't intend to be morbid nor am I trying to be super spiritual, but I want to see Jesus. Just one moment with Him face-to-face would be worth more than ten thousand life-times here.
Two other occasions where this claim was made was in conversation with acquaintances who are deeply involved in charismatic churches. One is more than an acquaintance; I consider him a friend. Neither of these people actually saw it happen, but were totally convinced that ministers that they had heard of, were literally raising people from the dead.
I want to be careful in how I approach this subject because I have no doubt whatsoever, that God is able to raise the dead. However, I want to be perfectly clear in stating that I do not believe that these people are actually raising the dead. In light of my skepticism, I think the best way to proceed would be to ask some questions of those who claim life-giving power.
Perhaps the most important question that needs to be considered is this: Do you consider death to be a tragedy for the saved? It seems to me as if the emphasis placed on physical health in many religious groups has blinded them to the possibility that God could actually get glory for Himself and at the same time, grant blessing to His people through their suffering. To people thus blinded, surely death must seem as though Satan has won a victory every time a Christian dies. My contention is, that what Paul said of himself in Philippians 1:21 "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." could and should be said of all saints. If "...to die is gain..." how could we treat the passing of a child of God as anything other than gain? There is much more that could be said on this point, but I want to hurry on to some other questions.
Other questions I would ask those who claim the power over death are these: Of all the dead, which ones are candidates for being raised? Do you have the power to raise people whose bodies have already been embalmed? Are there verifiable cases in which the putrefaction process has been reversed? Or what is the longest period of time that one was certifiably dead before he/she was raised? I suspect in most cases, that if the whole story were told, it would not appear quite as miraculous as they would have us believe.
One last question: Don't you believe that it is better to be with Jesus than apart from Him?
As for me, if my Lord should call me home, even now at the tender age of 53 years old, please don't call the paramedics! I don't intend to be morbid nor am I trying to be super spiritual, but I want to see Jesus. Just one moment with Him face-to-face would be worth more than ten thousand life-times here.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Hello, world. I'm back! I just made it home with my new 'puter. Dude! It's a Dell! I got a Dell Inspiron 1721. I'm being modest when I say that it has enough power to allow me to take over the world.
I expect to be wreaking havoc in the blog-o-sphere again very soon. In the mean time, I want to send out a heart-felt thank you to those of you who didn't de-link me...yet
I expect to be wreaking havoc in the blog-o-sphere again very soon. In the mean time, I want to send out a heart-felt thank you to those of you who didn't de-link me...yet
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